Dangerous Human

October 3, 2024

Dangerous Human

Location: XXI Lounge, Plaza Senayan

Services Provided: Design and Event Production

DAMN Inc. was thrilled to lead the event production for the launch of Dangerous Humans: Towards Zero eMissions a documentary by Diaz Hendropriyono, supported by Deddy Corbuzier. The event, drew a full house of media and included a panel with EcoPreneurs like Kevin Pudjiadi (Casion), Helga Angelina (Green Rebel Foods), Bob Effendi (Thorcon Power), Juan Apriliano (Plana), and Tommy Tjiptadjaja (Greenhope Indonesia). Moderated by Cazadira Fediva Tamzil, the discussion highlighted Diaz’s call to action for a sustainable future.

Dangerous Human
Dangerous Human

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